Institut numerique


In Madagascar, where 90% of the original forest cover has been destroyed, a national action plan for amphibians conservation has been elaborated. It encourages, among other propositions, to establish a long-term monitoring of amphibian diversity and populations, and to count on NGOs to do this job at a local scale.

In this way, NGO Man and the Environment wants to develop an amphibian monitoring in one of its site of action : the experimental reserve of Vohibola which represent one of the last humid coastal forest of the East coast of Madagascar.

After an analyse of diversity and similarity indices obtained through an inventory by transect on selected site, four sites of particular interest were selected. However, two other remarkable sites have been spotted and many others can be found.

This study also allows to adapt Man and the Environment’s protocol of amphibian monitoring and offer a reflexion on the possible measures for a real conservation of this ecosystem.

Keywords : frogs, NGO Man and the Environment, Vohibola, transect, diversity indices, similarity, habitat, natural resource management.

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