First and foremost, I thank God for his blessings and mercy during this year, and for the gift of life, a wonderful son and good friends.
I am profoundly grateful to my supervisor, Dr. Paz Estrella Tolentino, whose encouragement, supervision and support enabled me to finish this dissertation. Her guidance and broad knowledge have been very meaningful and have inspired me in so many ways.
This study has been made possible by University College of London, part of University of London. Thanks to their help in orientating me to this suitable course and transferring me to a convenient programme at Birkbeck College, also part of University of London. A special word of thanks is due to all the lecturers and members’ staff of the school of management and economics, who have shown support over the year of study. I would like to thank also all my fellow colleagues for their friendships since the first day. Our time together and debates were a huge contribution to my personal development in the field.
This enquiry would have never been possible without the participation of the BCG Team Paris. For their willingness and support in providing essential information for this research, my profound gratitude to them.
And lastly, but surely not least, I would like to thank the most important people in my life: my son Brian, my mother, my siblings and all the rest of my family. Though we are miles apart, their endless prayers have strengthened me in this journey. No words will be enough to express my love for them.