Institut numerique


The tables below present the stimuli that were used in the experiment, i.e. the words and the
sentences, as well as details about each of them. The following abbreviations are used: N° =
number of the item; W = word; P = phrase; # Syll. = number of syllables that the item consists
of; V/C = vowel and/or consonant problem; freq. = frequency of the word in the spoken part
of the British National Corpus.





The transcriptions of the words are narrow and include major diacritic markings such as
allophonic variations, and stress marks (‘). The transcriptions of the phrases are broad, with
stress marks (primary stress ‘, and secondary stress ?) and underlining to show the nuclear
accent. The prosodic patterns, especially tonicity, correspond to the default/unmarked ones.

W01. [‘f??]
W02. [‘s??]
W03. [‘ple? ?]
W04. [‘??n]
W05. [‘d???]
W06. [‘s?t?]
W07. [‘p???ti]
W08. [‘???k??]
W09. [‘a?ð?]
W10. [he’l??]

P01. w?d ju ‘la?k s?m ?kr?sm?s ‘p?d??
P02. a? ‘???k i ‘l?vz ?n ‘l?ndn? ‘na?
P03. ju ??d ‘tel ?m ?i w?z ?’sli?p
P04. a?m ?’fre?d ðe? ‘he?t ?i?t? ‘?ð?
P05. a?v ‘g?t ?n ?g’zæm t?’m?r??
P06. ‘w?t ?n ‘?ntr?st?? ‘lekt?? ‘ðæt ?w?z
P07. a? f?’g?t t? ‘br?? ma? ‘b?ks w?ð mi
P08. a?d ‘la?k t? ‘spi?k t? ð? ‘mæn?d??
P09. ?i ‘m?st ?v b?n ‘we?t?? f? ð? ‘b?s
P10. hiz ‘li?v?? f? ‘pær?s t?’de?

Retour au menu : Experimental research into the acquisition of English rhythm and prosody by French learners