Institut numerique

Chapter 1 : The Actual market by illustrations

When we talk about holography as a niche market, I am referring to the holographic communication events: this new way to promote a product during a show room or to create a buzz. The most significant cases in this area have always amazed and fascinated the large public: A lingerie brand created the surprise of passersby disseminating the model of a hologram in the window of his concept store in “Lingerie Shop”, near to Place Vendôme. The lingerie brand, through its agency Carlin International, attack very hard thanks to Animatik Studio, a company that produces 3D and holographic effects on behalf of other companies wishing innovation and communication on the promotion of their products. This is not the first attempt for Animatik Studio; already in Copenhagen passers remained dumbfounded to see the image of a young woman changing clothes, except that it was a hologram. This is a great way to promote these products certainly arousing the attention of passersby. Then the buzz started, the videos were shared worldwide, and brand management following the buzz could certainly be profitable for sales. Maybe and I think that holographic events could be a huge marketing campaign, quickly profitable. Therefore a market analysis of events in France is required to better target the subject in the current context.

Empreintes Lingerie (23/05/2010):
Copenhagen fashion show:

SWOT Analysis – Uses of holograms in the advertising market :

SWOT Analysis-Uses of holograms in the advertising market

Page suivante : 1) Event market

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