Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) is the most important viral disease of cultivated rice in Africa with an important economic impact. In order to control the disease, serological diversity of a range of 21RYMVisolates from three locations was determinate by phylogenetic analysis of data resulting from test ACP ELISA using ten (10) polyclonal antibodies. These isolates are from localities Dangbo, Lokossa and Calavi and are classified into three serogroups, which indicates the existence and levels of serodiversity among RYMV isolates in southern Benin. The use of monoclonal antibodies by TAS ELISA showed the existence of two serotypes (Ser1 and Ser2). Phylogenetic classification of each isolate obtained by the ELISA data is very useful in epidemiological studies to identify isolates of RYMV.
Characterization of ten 10 pathogenic isolates of RYMV (from same localities) against five (5) differential manifolds allowed the classification of different isolates of RYMV in southern Benin. The reaction of five (5) genotypes to the ten (10) isolates of RYMV was different in terms of incidence and severity, and high yield losses. Interactions isolates / varieties were quite significant. Varieties IR64, Bouaké189 and IR47686-9-2-1 were susceptible to all isolates that were divided and two or three pathotypes depending on the inoculation technique. This information is useful for breeding programs aimed at deploying genotypes resistant to RYMV in our communities in southern Benin.
Keywords : RYMV, Antigen Coated Plate Enzym Linked ImmunoSorbay Assay (ACP ELISA), phylogenetic analysis, polyclonal antibodies ,TAS Elisa (Triple Antibodies Sandwich Elisa).